Being a small business owner is a tough job. Staying up to date on ways to help make your job simpler and your business more successful can go a long way. One consideration is understanding the importance and benefits of using a CRM, also known as customer relationship management software. At its core, HubSpot is a CRM platform, but it is so much more. With the ability to add additional hubs for marketing, sales, service, & operations, it is a platform to grow with your business.
4 min read
What Is HubSpot and Why Is It Beneficial for Small Business Owners?
By Bob Lange on 10/21/22 11:34 AM
Topics: Inbound Marketing marketing HubSpot Small Business sales
3 min read
2017 Marketing Planning and Budgeting: An Inbound Gut-check
By Nikki Madison on 10/11/16 9:33 AM
It's the start of Q4, and that means it's time to take stock of where you're at compared with where you planned to be. This inevitably leads to some strategizing on the inbound marketing front so you can get in prime position in 2017.
Topics: Inbound Marketing marketing
2 min read
Have You Really Clarified Who You Are Talking to in Your Marketing?
By Bob Lange on 7/20/16 9:00 AM
While we don’t necessarily recommend the 1976 psychological thriller Taxi Driver starring Robert De Niro unless you enjoy films about scary, messed-up, violent psychopaths, it’s interesting to note that there’s a one-minute and 20-second scene in the movie that nearly everyone old enough to remember will remember. It’s the oft-repeated line, “You talkin’ to me?” According to IGN, a leading movie review site, this scene is the 4th top moment in movie history. In fact, even those unfamiliar with the film are likely familiar with this small bit of dialogue.