Google rankings can make or break your online presence. While not necessary to be the number one result for each and every keyword, it is necessary to show up on the first page of results that are typed into that search bar. Defined as organic traffic, Google ranks your page's "worthiness" based on a number of different factors including quality of content, traffic, domain authority, and freshness.
Nikki Madison
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The Importance of Consistently Adding Fresh Content to Your Site
By Nikki Madison on 10/6/17 9:05 AM
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Think Like a Publisher. Why New Content Is Important for Marketing Your Business
By Nikki Madison on 11/9/16 9:00 AM
Consumers are being constantly bombarded by sales advertisements every day on TV, radio, billboards and the Internet. Marketing companies are finding, however, that their hoped-for audience has basically turned off to these traditional forms of advertising – using DVR units that skip over TV commercials and surfing online to gather information while mostly oblivious to the banners, pop-ups and other "in your face" promos plaguing that environment. Some even employ the use of ad blockers to filter out all of the irrelevant garbage inundating the Internet.
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Inbound Marketing for Professional Service Firms
By Nikki Madison on 10/26/16 9:05 AM
Finally. Something about marketing finally adds up to your left-brain way of thinking.
It's called inbound marketing, and while it's been sharing the stage with other marketing strategies for about 10 years, it has assumed center stage for only about the last two. As it continues to draw new devotees, understand that it can launch your professional services firm head and shoulders above your competitors – if, that is, your tactics are guided by a comprehensive marketing strategy.
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2017 Marketing Planning and Budgeting: An Inbound Gut-check
By Nikki Madison on 10/11/16 9:33 AM
It's the start of Q4, and that means it's time to take stock of where you're at compared with where you planned to be. This inevitably leads to some strategizing on the inbound marketing front so you can get in prime position in 2017.
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Mapping Content to Each Phase of the Funnel
By Nikki Madison on 9/28/16 9:05 AM
If you're beginning to think of creating a content marketing strategy as akin to a dating strategy, you've got the right idea. Yes, it can be a beguiling and perplexing process, but when you extend the metaphor, you can demystify the process and set it on the right track – with mutually beneficial results.